ENG TRANS – 2PM OT6 – 2PM’s 14th Anniversary Special Letters to Hottest

❌ DO NOT TAKE MY TRANSLATION and repost anywhere online (in part or in full, in any SNS platform). Read and enjoy. Leave everything where they are. Thank you!

ENG TRANS – 2PM OT6 – 2021.09.04 Letter Read Out in Dear.HOTTEST Fan Meeting

ENG SUB – 2PM Taecyeon – 2020.12.23 Taec’s X’mas Card to the Hottest in the online OkCat X’mas Event (From Instagram)

Video with Taec’s voice and English subtitles


LYRICS ENG TRANS – 2PM OT6 – “Promise of Christmas” – Merry Christmas to 2PM and Hottest

Merry Christmas to #2PM & #Hottest. It’s been a rough year for everyone but out of the bad you can always find the good if you look hard enough. Cherish the simplest things in life, for one day, when you look back, it’s always the smallest things that are the most memorable 😊🎄🎁